How to get rid of toothache following a heavy night out

Written by Doris Hubbard on June 23, 2021
How to get rid of toothache following a heavy night out

Most people who experience toothache overnight go to bed in a state of fear. This form of sleeplessness and physical exhaustion might also mean you are at risk of toothache for a subsequent day or two.

Dental pain feels like a battleground, and everyone has their own way of dealing with it. Dental pain feels like a battleground, and everyone has their own way of dealing with it.

So, what's the best way to deal with the morning-after toothache? Well, usually we would go for a bite of the breakfast buffet, sip our coffee, and sleep peacefully.

Not so, these days.

Unfortunately, this sensation of pain is not uncommon; in fact, it may occur within hours of a heavy night out.

The onset of pain usually happens because your mouth is covered in plaque — this is dirty, red muck that is produced when saliva and bacteria interact with acid in the mouth.

In the morning, when the contact point between the saliva and bacteria returns to normal, the plaque drops away. And when the pathogen-covered plaque drops away, it releases toxins, which, when absorbed into the bloodstream, often cause the mouth to feel and smell unpleasant.

This typically follows a night of heavy drinking, bad food, or some other kind of self-induced negative affect.

You will also know when you have started to have toothache because the sensation is similar to a headache; you feel puffy, bloodshot, and numb. Furthermore, the symptoms are also generally accompanied by something that feels like a body ache.

With these factors in mind, it can be difficult to figure out if you may have something more serious. After all, your teeth are something vital that you may need to constantly take care of.

It is therefore reassuring to know that there are some very effective ways that you can manage your teeth pain at night.

The following nine methods have worked successfully for us.

Limit nightly drinking

The best way to reduce toothache and have a strong morning-after toothache is to minimize or avoid drinking during the night. Doing so is a simple solution that ensures you are not woken up in the morning with a swollen mouth.

It can also be easier on your throat, jaw, and teeth.

Keep urinating in the morning

Since urinating at night will mean you will have already eaten something, you can also try to reduce your oral drinking when you get up in the morning.

Doing so should reduce the swelling in your mouth that occurs as a result of regular toothache.

Put on a wet-power

If you are suffering from a toothache that is so bad that it keeps waking you up, you can try just one trick to relieve the pain, but we will use it twice to bring you close to a cure.

By keeping yourself dry at night, and then washing your mouth with a wet-power, you should reduce the swelling and pain. That is, if you can find a way to do so without burning yourself.

Rinsing with a mild cleaning product

If the problem persists and you are still forced to wake up with a swollen mouth, the next step is to start brushing your teeth at night.

What should happen after brushing, however, is not known — although sometimes it appears that a paste rubbed onto the plaque will help.

Research has shown that a mild cleaning product can clear away bacteria on toothbrushes, but more is needed to cut the plaque buildup. According to research into the topic, a dose of penicillin once a week is the best way to reduce plaque buildup and prevent tooth decay.

Spray a cold compress

Once you are awake in the morning, you will be tempted to do the opposite. To help you avoid the nip and tuck that most dental pain entails, you should try to give yourself the spray version of the cold compress as soon as you get out of bed.

Often, cold packs are helpful to relieve pain but not to get rid of it.

Consider your morning medication

If there is still a problem that persists into the morning and you feel unable to stop yourself from crying or vomiting, you can try to find a way to get rid of it.

An alternative way to manage your toothache is to stop taking your morning prescription medicine before you reach your resting state, since the dose may cause you to wake up with a sore mouth.

Finally, don't you wish you could have been better prepared?

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