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The world's first collection of human genomes that help scientists understand why our bodies weaken in space


The Top Fat and Protein Sources for Your Healthy Diet


Is It Bad to Take Melatonin Every Night? Are There Risks?


How to Learn Yoga in the Summer Months

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Painless ways to remove skin tags

Skin tags. They can be difficult to remove. In fact, skin tags that have healed can stick to your skin, causing scars or even infection.


How to get rid of toothache following a heavy night out

Most people who experience toothache overnight go to bed in a state of fear. This form of sleeplessness and physical exhaustion might also mean you are at risk of toothache for a subsequent day or two.


The early warning signs of low blood sugar

As we age, our ability to monitor our glucose levels and the sugar content of our foods can be compromised.

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How Ethical Omnivores Embrace Their Ethical Nature

While many vegan diets are concerned with avoiding animals as an environmental, social, and health goal, some advocates eschew any animal product whatsoever.


Obesity may not be a risk factor for all diseases

Being overweight or obese doesn’t mean that you’re at risk for every disease; on the contrary, the people who are obese are more likely to develop specific medical conditions.


What You Need to Know About Eggs

Growing up in Toronto, I wasn’t raised with a whole lot of information about eggs—so I learned quickly how to cook and eat them.

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